Frequently Asked Questions
What is Montessori education?
How does a Montessori classroom work?
What is the Montessori work cycle?
How do the teachers know which lesson to give?
What is the difference between the Mother's Day Out program and the Toddler program?
What type of discipline methods are employed?
- A child stands on a chair; we would kindly say “Our chairs are for sitting in, would you like to stand on a balancing stone?”
- A child is crying because the material they want to work with is being used; we might say “I see you are sad/angry, can you tell me why? If they are non-verbal we would state instead “It looks as though you are sad because you would like to work on this material, is that correct?”
Does St. James provide snack and/or lunch?
How does St. James partner for potty learning?
Can my child attend a mix of full days and half days?
How much outside play is there for the children?
Do the students have any special classes such as art, technology, etc.?
How does the After School Care program work?
Where do St. James students attend after graduation?
How do families address childcare for the summer months?
What is the immunization policy at St. James?
Do the teachers receive professional development?
How much is the application fee?
Is financial aid available?
What are the current tuition/fees and payment plans available?
- Monthly Payment Plan - payments July through April
- Semester Payment Plan - July and December
- Annual Payment Plan - July
What is the timeline for the admissions process?