Mothers Day Out
Mother’s Day Out (18 months to three years of age)
St. James’ Mother’s Day Out program provides a Montessori based curriculum for toddlers that are just beginning to explore the world beyond their home and family. We offer a two-day (Tuesday and Thursday) and three-day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) program. The Mother's Day Out program enables your child to begin socializing and gaining independence on a more relaxed schedule.
The Mother’s Day Out program is a 10 month based school year beginning in August and concluding in May, there are no summer sessions. Our day begins at 8:30am and ends at 3:45pm. We do request that all children arrive by 8:30am to allow for the children to maintain their schedule. Before and After School Care are offered from 7:30am until 6:00pm for those families that require additional care.
The Mother’s Day Out curriculum is Montessori based focusing on developing a toddler’s independence. We focus on care of self and care of the environment, relying on the toddler’s “do it myself” mode of thinking to increase their own independence. The teachers track the activities and “works” of each child so that they can gently move them along the development continuum.
Mother’s Day Out Schedule
8:00am - 8:35am Children Arrive: Change into Crocs, Potty Time and Hand Washing8:35am - 9:35am Outside Play Time
9:35am - 9:55am Potty Time, Hand Washing, and Group Snack
10:00am - 11:45am Individual Work Time, Circle Time, Cooking, and Gardening
11:45am - 12:00pm Music, Yoga, and Circle Time
11:45am - 12:00pm Half Day Students Depart
12:00pm - 12:45pm Lunch Time
12:45pm - 1:00pm Potty Time and Hand Washing
1:00pm - 3:00pm Nap Time
2:45pm - 3:00pm Wake Up, Potty Time and Story Time
3:00pm - 3:45pm - Dismissal from Classroom
3:45pm - 6:00pm - After School Care